Austin Design Week – A Service Design Toolkit: Mapping Service Ecologies
This workshop will introduce participants to tools to help analyze, map, and design service ecologies for service-oriented projects. Service ecologies articulate the environments, relationships, and processes surrounding a customer’s service experience. Using CapMetro’s MetroBus service as a model, participants will understand how to use these tools for both analysis and design during the lifecycle of a service design project. Tools discussed: 1. The Service Package creates a shared understanding and natural prioritization of a business’s service offerings and touchpoints 2. The Service Delivery Model creates a high level articulation of the service experience, mapping crucial touchpoints with the customer 3. The Service Blueprint is a dense document that ties business operations to the customer experience, helping to hold context-rich conversations and identify opportunities for improvement.
Participants will leave having interacted with these tools, forming a basis of understanding so they may apply and modify these tools to fit their own design or management projects. A handout containing the content of the workshop, as well as a list of other useful tools related to service design, will help participants access useful content after the workshop.
Facilitator: Lincoln Neiger, Service Design Fellow, City of Austin
Lincoln Neiger is a Service Design Fellow for the City of Austin. Hoarse from singing the song of customer experience, Lincoln works with City departments to create more efficient and enjoyable service experiences for citizens and residents. He is co-founder of the local meetup Service Design, ATX, which introduces curious professionals to service design tools and methods through monthly, hands-on workshops. (Come check us out!) Prior to joining the City of Austin, Lincoln researched user habits surrounding data solutions at IBM, where he discovered that enterprise software was not his thing. He has degrees in both Industrial and Service Design from the Savannah College of Art and Design.
By Appointment Only
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