Brain Trust: Pathway to InnoVAtion Hackathon Serving Veterans!
What is this?
Join us February 19-21, 2016 in Austin and San Francisco to develop brain health innovations for Veterans experiencing mild TBI (mTBI) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This event is a collaboration between MyVA Partnerships, VA Center for Innovation, Booz Allen Hamilton, Capital Factory, and Galvanize.
What are we hacking?
We are focused on developing innovations that improve access to care for Veterans faced with mTBI and PTSD, along with identifying innovations in diagnostics, rehabilitation, and community reintegration.
Who can participate?
Everyone. Veterans, caregivers, clinicians, researchers, developers, technologists, designers, data scientists, citizens. Really everyone. Experts and thought leaders in mTBI and PTSD will serve as team mentors, including several VA subject matter experts and Veterans.
What to expect
- February 19: Evening networking social (size up your competition)
- February 20: kickoff, speakers, participant pitches, teams form, develop ideas
- February 21: Last day sprint to complete prototypes, deliver presentations to judging panel, winners selected
What can I win?
A panel of leading VA and industry experts in mTBI and PTSD along with Veterans and caregivers will select up to 3 winners in Austin and San Francisco who may be invited to showcase their innovation at the April 20-21, 2016 Brain Trust Innovation Showcase in Washington, DC.
By Appointment Only
Our doors are open! Reach out to to book your private, in-person membership tour.